As winter descends on the Northern Hemisphere, homeowners search for ways to keep their living spaces warmer, while managing reasonable energy efficiency and utility bills. Some may not realize how important windows are to keeping the heat in through a frigid Minnesota winter.
Topics: Window Tips, Windows, Window Features
Performance Ratings for Windows and Doors
When it comes to the overall performance of your windows and doors, it is vital to understand their efficiency, which means understanding how to read performance labels. Performance labels are applied to a window or door at the point of manufacture, and they indicate the results of individual tests. These tests indicate the efficiency of a product, and these ratings are some of the most important factors when it comes to replacing windows and doors. Performance ratings grade efficiencies like U-Factor, VT, and Air Leakage, all of which impact monthly energy bills and living standards. These ratings are best used when compared to ENERGY STAR's map for ideal ratings based on different geographic regions. Click below to learn more about the industry's highest-rated window in the major performance categories.
Topics: Window Tips, Windows, Window Features, Siding, Doors

Topics: Windows, Window Features
In a nutshell, casement windows are a style of window that attaches with side-mounted hinges, causing them to open and close like a door. They are often single pane windows that operate with a hand crank or lever.Builders and Remodelers have been installing casement windows for more than sixty years, so we know a thing or two about what makes them unique and whether you should consider them for your home. Read on to learn more!
Topics: Windows, Window Features
4 Reasons Why Natural Light Will Save Your Wallet and Mental Health
Natural light is one of nature’s best cure-alls. Having a sluggish day at your desk? Go outside for a quick walk for a jolt of energy. Need to wake up early and start the day with positivity? Open your shades so the sun’s natural rays will wake you up. Natural light has a myriad of benefits that can affect your mood as well as your wallet. Read on to see why it’s so important to let natural light into your home.
Topics: Windows, Window Features